Holistic Services
"It only takes one person to mobilise a community and inspire change. Even if you don't feel like you have it in you, it's in you. You have to believe in yourself. People will see your vision and passion and follow you"
Teyonah Parris
English Spoken Yoga Classes with Lulu
Lulushanti Yoga teaches an English speaking, community based, practice suitable for yogis for all ages and levels. Whether you are based in the algarve, or are passing through, Lulu welcomes all yogis to join her in the dome. Lulu combines all her traditional and modern yoga knowledge to create an intuitive based practice for a physically challenging and spiritual experience.
Location: The Dome, Guia
Lulushanti Yoga Studio or at your location.
contact Lulu: 00351 916024997
Sound Healing With Laura
Using ancient musical and mystical instruments, Laura combines tones, rhythms, special frequencies and her angelic voice, to stimulate and activate energies to heal and soothe the body and mind. A very special and healing experience suitable for all.
Location: The Dome, Guia.
Lulushanti Yoga Studio or at your location.
contact Lulu: 00351 916024997
Ayurveda Consultation with Lulu
Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine, believed to be around 5000 years old, and considered yoga's sister science. Ayurevda is the science of life and the study of nature. According to Ayurveda, attributes and tendencies in people are governed by energy principles, called Dosha.
An Ayurvedic consultation, will determine your dosha and assess your doshic imbalances. There are many contributing factors that create imbalance, so through the study of your current lifestyle tendencies, Lulu will create a programme better suited for your dosha, to help heal and support body and mind, giving you the balance necessary to living a long and happy life.
Location: The dome, Guia
contact Lulu: 00351 916024997
Yoga Trapeze with Lulu
Yoga trapeze combines traditional yoga postures, aerial acrobatics and TRX type movements to create a fun and complete practice. Release the inner child and face your adult fears by mastering the flip, fly and playful movements of the trapeze. Group practice takes places in the outdoors space, therefore only available during the spring. One to one practice can take place in the dome during all seasons.
Location: The dome, Guia
contact Lulu: 00351 916024997
Cacao Ceremony Workshop
Cacao ceremony is a spiritual and ritualistic practice done in solo or in a group context. It is an art form that responds to what is arising and true in the present moment. One of the key purposes of the cacao ceremony is to facilitate emotional release and forgiveness, with gratitude, intention, reciprocity and community. A practice the helps us to reconnect and heal the heart.
Location: The dome, Guia
contact Lulu: 00351 916024997
Kundalini Activation Energy Workshop
kundalini is envisioned as traveling through the bodys energy channels known as the chakras. This energy can lie dormant in the body, which can keep us from fully tapping into its power. kundalini awakening is a rising of this energy and a shift of consciousness into a higher state.
Location: The dome, Guia
contact Lulu: 00351 916024997
Corpo Vivo com Taisia
Workshop em português
Neste workshop, o corpo, mais uma vez, tera um papel essencial, através da expressão autentica e verdadeira, descobriras que partes de ti que ainda precisas integrar. Levo-te a poesia aliada a dança, e a expressão criativa para ires mais fundo no teu processo de autoconhecimento. A integração de todos as nossas metades e essencial para conseguirmos ser cada vez mais autênticos e ter uma ação no mundo mais verdadeira e feliz.
Location: The dome, Guia
contact Lulu: 00351 917 667 651
Canção Interior com Carol
Workshop em português e ingles​
Connect with your inner child, empower your voice, self expression and communication. Be free, creative and liberate your soul. Open your heart and mind as you explore your own musical compositions and sing your emotions.
Conecte-se com sua criança interior, capacite sua voz, autoexpressão e comunicação. Seja livre, criativo e liberte sua alma. Abra seu coração e sua mente enquanto explora suas próprias composições musicais e canta suas emoções.
Location: The dome, Guia
contact Carol: 00351 916 988 064
Reflexology is a holistic alternative and complimentary practice for medical conditions by applying pressure to specific points on the feet which correspond with parts of the body requiring particular attention. Reflexology triggers relaxation, resulting in reduced levels of stress and tension. It helps to increase and improve blood flow throughout the body, which supports the process of healing and equilibrium.
Acupuncture also available
It can help support the following symptoms:
Muscular pain and discomfort
Clear colds, bacterial infections, blocked sinuses
Boost fertility
Improve digestion concerns
Correct hormonal imbalances
Reduce stress & anxiety
Location: The dome, Guia
contact Lulu: 00351 916024997
Breathe work, Pranayama and Meditation
Breath work, pranayama, and meditation are powerful tools for achieving inner peace and improving overall well-being. By focusing on the breath and practicing mindfulness, we can reduce stress and anxiety, increase mental clarity, and cultivate a deeper sense of connection to ourselves and the world around us. Whether you're new to these practices or a seasoned practitioner, incorporating them into your daily routine can have a impact on your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
Hawaiin Massage & Body Work and Education with Werner Ha'aheo
Werner Ha'aheos's work specialises in the traditional and ritualistic Hawaiian massage and shamanic bodywork.
Lomi Lomi Nui- the queen of massages- as well as other massage techniques such as Hot Gemstone massage, the Hawaiian back massage, and the special Shamanic ritual Ha'aheo Lomi Lomi, are the best part of his portfolio.
He shares his skills through trainings for therapists and newcomers in search of new skills and an opportunity to enhance their knowledge.
By appointment Only - Prices Vary
Location: Lulushanti Yoga Studio
Hawaiianische Massagen, Körperarbeit und Ausbildung mit Werner Ha'aheo Die Herzensarbeit von Werner Ha'aheo sind traditionelle hawaiianische Massagen und schamanische Körperarbeit. Lomi Lomi Nui - die Königin unter den Massagen - sowie weitere Hawaiianische Massagen, zum Beispiel die Heiße edelstein massage , die hawaiianische Rückenmassage und das besondere schamanische Ritual Ha'aheo Lomi Lomi gehören zu seinem Portfolio. Er gibt seine Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen gerne auch in Schulungen für Therapeuten und Neulinge weiter, die neue Fähigkeiten erlernen und ihr Wissen erweitern möchten.
Nur nach Vereinbarung - Preise variieren - frag nach! Nur Barzahlung!
Ort: Lulushanti Yoga Studio
Direkter Kontakt, nur per WhatsApp/DIrect Contact:
Werner +49 1516 811 9570
Akasha Record Reading with Laura
Akasha Readings are like tapping into a spiritual cosmic library, containing all the information about every soul´s journey through life, including past, present and potential future experiences. The reader will "open" the records, in search for answers to help the person heal from trauma, understand their purpose, resolve personal issues, or gain insight into their past lives.
Location: The dome, Guia
contact Lulu: 00351 916024997
Multi Use Space for Rent
Calling all yogis and holistic therapists. In the heart of new town Albufeira, Lulushanti yoga space, is a beautiful, open and light space available for hourly, daily or weekend rent. Please message Lulu for a look around and quote.
Location: Lulushanti Yoga Studio
contact Lulu: 00351 916024997